Southside Place Park is the heart of the city. The park is located at 3743 Garnet Street, Houston, TX 77005. (Click Here for Map)
The park was first developed in 1924 during the initial development by E.L. Crain. In 1970, the original fire truck was placed into the park as a play structure. As rules on child safety protection laws changed the cherished fire truck was retired.
In 2011 the Southside Park Board along with the Southside Fire Truck Park Fund determined it was time for a complete remodel of the park. The community along with local businesses banned together and in September 2012 a new park was unveiled to the Southside Place community.
The Southside Place Park offers many programs and rental of the clubhouse, park pavilion, and the pool for Southside Place residences.
Click here for more rental and program information
Click here to view the history of Southside Place Fire Truck Park
Click here to see a picture slide show on Southside Plac Fire Truck Park
Click here to view pictures of the park renovation in 2012
Thanks for to all the community and the businesses that contributed time, money, and their heartfelt love for the Southside Fire Truck Park.
Special thanks go to the following people:
2011-2012 Fire Truck Park Fund
Executive Committee
Daryl Hoover, President, and Co-Chair
Judy Stanley, Vice President of Development and Co-Chair
Shannon Thompson, Secretary
Gina Luther, Treasurer
2011-2012 Southside Place Park Board
Andy Chan, President
Elliott Hirschfeld, Treasurer
Jeff Elkin, Secretary
Jeremy Monthy, Park Grounds
Carol Pearson, Activities
Shari Muller, Membership
Susan Serbin, Clubhouse
Special Thanks To:
Thomas Bailey, Former Park Grounds Park Board Member
Wadsworth Crews, Park Manager
2011-2012 Park Subcommittee
Pat Patterson, Mayor
Richard Rothfelder, City Attorney
David Thompson, City Council Member
David Moss, City Manager
2011-2012 Fire Truck Park Honorary Committee
Ting Bresnahan
Cindy Burnett
Jill Cokinos
Kevin Cumming
Allison Darling
Elizabeth Fordham
Hollie Fulgham
Joni Gaylor
Krista Kirton
Sarah King
Amy Marvin
Peggy Matthews
Cara Michaels
Becky Palmer
Susan Patterson
Susan Pierce
Kelly Provenzano
Mindy Rippstein
Suzanne Rose
Julie Tsigos